John Templeton Biography

John Templeton

Born (29 November 1912 – 8 July 2008), John Templeton was an American and British investor, banker, fund manager, and philanthropist.

John Templeton was born in Winchester, Tennessee, in 1912. He got a scholarship from a low-income family to continue his university-level education, but he was a good student.
He was one of the best students of economics at Yale University. He graduated in 1934, right amid the Depression. He mastered at Oxford two years later. When he returned to the USA, he worked in a New York-based Fenner & Beane company, where he was a trainee.

John Templeton co-founded a company known as Templeton, Dobbrow & Vance at the end of the Depression in 1937. Their company became worth about 300 million dollars quickly, and they had eight mutual funds under their management. John Templeton founded a fund in the Bahamas in 1954. The old company changed its name not long before Templeton sold its share of the company in 1962.

He was known for creating successful funds during his career. In 1992, the Franklin Group bought his funds. Queen Elizabeth II made him a knight, as he was a naturalized British citizen, because of his outstanding achievements.

His John Templeton Foundation is one of the world’s most recognized foundations that donate most of its funds to scientific research.

  • Early Life and Education:
    • Born: November 29, 1912, in Winchester, Tennessee, USA.
    • Education: I attended Yale University and graduated in 1934.
    • Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, where he studied law and became a barrister.
  • Career Beginnings:
    • Started his career on Wall Street in 1937.
    • Founded the investment firm Templeton, Dobbrow & Vance in 1939.
  • Investment Philosophy:
    • She pioneered the use of globally diversified mutual funds.
    • I am known for buying showboats with maximum pessimism, such as during the Great Depression.
    • Templeton Growth Fund became one of the most successful international investment funds.
  • Religious and Philosophical Beliefs:
    • Deeply spiritual, Templeton Souto finds common ground between science and religion.
    • She created the Templeton Prize in 1972 for advancements in spiritual matters.
  • Philanthropy:
    • Established the John Templeton Foundation in 1987.
    • The foundation supports research in science, religion, and spirituality.
  • Personal Life:
    • Templeton was a naturalized British citizen and lived in the Bahamas for much of his life.
    • She has authored several books on investing and spirituality.
  • Awards and Honors:
    • He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1987 for his philanthropic efforts.
  • Death:
    • They passed away on July 8, 2008, in Nassau, Bahamas.
  • Legacy:
    • He is remembered for his innovative investment strategies and commitment to bridging the gap between science and religion.
    • His foundation continues to promote his ideals and fund various research projects worldwide.

John Templeton’s trading style

His investing methods were by many carved during the time he studied, as it was during the Great Depression.

He was looking to buy stocks of companies around the world. He saw an opportunity to profit by acquiring many small companies that were low priced with a good long-term perspective.

  • Global Diversification:
    • Templeton was one of the first money managers to invest globally.
    • He believed limiting investments in Tone’s home country was an unnecessary restriction.
    • This approach allowed him to find the best investment opportunities worldwide.
  • Value Investing:
    • He focused on value investing, searching for companies worldwide that he believed were undervalued by the market.
    • He looked for stocks selling at a price below what he considered the” “tr”e” value.
    • His strategy involved buying low-price stocks and selling them when other investors recognized their value.
  • Contrarian Approach:
    • He is known for his contrarian investment strategies.
    • I often bought stocks at the point of maximum pessimism, such as during the depths of the Great Depression or in industries that were currently out of favor.
    • He believed that the best bargains were in stocks wholly neglected or overlooked by other investors.
  • Long-Term Perspective:
    • Templeton was a long-term investor. He believed in holding stocks for many years to realize their potential.
    • His investment decisions were based on the companies’ long-term prospects rather than short-term market trends.
  • Research-Driven Decisions:
    • Extensive research was a cornerstone of his investment strategy.
    • He and his team conducted detailed analyses of companies and industries before making investment decisions.
  • Spiritual and Ethical Considerations Templeton’s personal spiritual beliefs influenced his investment style.
    • He avoided investing in companies that he felt contributed to social harm.
  • Innovative Mutual Funds:
    • He created some of the first mutual funds that invested globally, making international investing more accessible to the average investor.
    • The Templeton Growth Fund, established in 1954, was a major success and became a model for international mutual funds.
  • Avoidance of Trends and Speculation:
    • Avoided investing based on market trends or speculation.
    • Emphasized the importance of individual stock analysis over market predictions.
  • Flexibility:
    • Although he had a defined philosophy, Templeton remained flexible and adaptable, adjusting his strategies to changing market conditions.

He made success with stocks that other investors would not bother to research. He found those companies through his connections who would gather at his Lyford Key Club in the Bahamas – his home – where he would discuss with them companies nobody would want to look at in terms of investing.
He preferred communicating with his friends and other investors at his terrain, literally his own, in a casual atmosphere at his Lyford Key Club, rather than in Wall Street, where everything was fast, and the information was way too formal, which – for him – meant that the information was not accurate. Therefore, he would create an attractive ambiance for those who would gladly discuss matters with him. He saw people as the power for his research.



Igor has been a trader since 2007. Currently, Igor works for several prop trading companies. He is an expert in financial niche, long-term trading, and weekly technical levels. The primary field of Igor's research is the application of machine learning in algorithmic trading. Education: Computer Engineering and Ph.D. in machine learning. Igor regularly publishes trading-related videos on the Fxigor Youtube channel. To contact Igor write on:

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