Dividends Per Share – Dividend per share calculator

Dividends per share (DPS) is a financial metric representing the total dividends a company declares for each of its outstanding ordinary shares. It is calculated by dividing the total dividends paid out by the company, including interim dividends during the period, by the total number of outstanding ordinary shares. Essentially, DPS gives an investor an idea of how much money a company returns to its shareholders for each share owned.

Calculation of DPS

The formula to calculate DPS is straightforward: DPS=Total Dividends PaidNumber of Outstanding Shares\text{DPS} = \frac{\text{Total Dividends Paid}}{\text{Number of Outstanding Shares}}

Alternatively, DPS can also be estimated using the earnings per share (EPS) and the dividend payout ratio: DPS=EPS×Dividend Payout Ratio\text{DPS} = \text{EPS} \times \text{Dividend Payout Ratio}

Importance of DPS

Indicators of Financial Health

DPS is a critical indicator for investors as it reflects the amount of money a company returns to its shareholders. A consistently rising DPS suggests that a company is performing well financially and that its earnings are increasing. This can be an attractive signal for investors looking for stable and growing investment returns.

Investment Decision-Making

For investors, DPS is crucial when deciding whether to invest in a company. A high or increasing DPS can make a company’s stock more appealing, indicating potential for regular income. Conversely, a declining DPS may raise concerns about the company’s financial stability.

What DPS Reveals

Past Financial Performance

DPS provides insights into a company’s past financial performance. By examining historical DPS data, investors can gauge how well the company has performed financially. For instance, a company that has consistently increased its DPS over several years will likely manage its finances well and generate stable profits.

Current Financial Health

DPS also reflects a company’s current financial health. For example, if a company with a DPS of $80 last year decides not to pay dividends this year, investors might interpret this as a sign of financial distress. The lack of dividends could indicate that the company is facing financial challenges or market shocks that it cannot withstand.

Interpreting Changes in DPS

Decline in DPS

A drop in DPS can trigger adverse reactions among investors, leading to a sell-off of the company’s shares. This, in turn, can cause the stock price to decline. However, it’s important to note that a temporary suspension or dividend reduction doesn’t always indicate poor financial health. Sometimes, companies reinvest profits into the business rather than pay dividends, which can lead to more significant long-term gains.

Increase in DPS

On the other hand, an increase in DPS signals positive financial performance and stability. For instance, if Company UVW consistently pays dividends of $0.80 per share and then increases the DPS to $1.50, the company is doing well financially. Such an increase also reflects confidence in the company’s prospects and indicates strong leadership.

Formula to Estimate DPS

To calculate DPS accurately, the following formula is used: DPS=Total Dividends PaidNumber of Outstanding Shares\text{DPS} = \frac{\text{Total Dividends Paid}}{\text{Number of Outstanding Shares}}

This formula uses the annual weighted average of outstanding shares to reflect the dividends distributed accurately.

DPS as an Accounting Metric

DPS is a significant metric in accounting as it represents a key component of shareholder income. While earnings per share (EPS) measures a company’s profitability by dividing net income by the number of outstanding shares, DPS focuses on the cash flow received by shareholders for each share owned. A shareholder’s total earnings from DPS equals the DPS multiplied by the number of shares held.

Both EPS and DPS are strong indicators of a company’s financial health. They serve the same objective of providing insights into a company’s profitability and future outlook, making them essential tools for investors.

Dividend per share calculator

Earnings per share

Earnings per share, of course, show how well a company is doing financially. Earnings per share is the company’s net income accruing to each share. Generally, companies report earnings per share adjusted for other items (extraordinary items and dilution of potential shares).

For instance, WXYZ, a company with 10 million shares outstanding, accrued a net income of $1 million and paid out $500,000 in dividends to its proffered shareholders for the last fiscal year. The earnings per share are $0.5.

Earnings per share (EPS) are of two types: primary and diluted EPS. Essential EPS does not consider the effect of dilution of shares enforced by the company. When a company’s capital covers warrants, stock options, and restricted stock units (RSU), these investments can increase the total number of shares outstanding.

Therefore, you should not get confused when considering DPS and EPS. While both indicate a company’s financial health, they are estimated based on two distinct estimates.


DPS is an essential concept in financial markets analysis. Whether you’ve expert knowledge or are just familiar with the concept, they are valuable tools that help you judge the quality of how healthy a company is. Next time you venture out to invest in shares of a given stock that you think can give a good outcome, consider DPS. This is because DPS can give an idea if you should spend time and wait as of now or skip the stock and go for others. DPS, thus, indicates not only how healthy a company is but the vision of the leadership at the top. These factors should play a significant role in deciding whether to invest in a given stock.



Igor has been a trader since 2007. Currently, Igor works for several prop trading companies. He is an expert in financial niche, long-term trading, and weekly technical levels. The primary field of Igor's research is the application of machine learning in algorithmic trading. Education: Computer Engineering and Ph.D. in machine learning. Igor regularly publishes trading-related videos on the Fxigor Youtube channel. To contact Igor write on: igor@forex.in.rs

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