Forex Trader Salary in 2024. – Average Earnings Forex Traders

When we think about volatility, the first thing that comes into traders’ minds is the Forex Market. Undoubtedly, the Forex Market is one of the most volatile markets. A trader must possess the essential knowledge and skills to generate promising results. A forex trader must formulate lucrative trading strategies as the market is full of fluctuations and never rests.

Assess how skilled and knowledgeable a Forex trader is; it can be done by knowing how much they can earn through trading. Now, many would say that they make millions every year. However, only a few speak the truth about their actual earnings.

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What is the average forex trader’s salary?

The average annual income of a Forex trader in the US is $83,500. This information is provided by the data given by ZipRecruiter in the year 2022. The average day trader salary is $68000 in the US for 2024. The average trader’s salary will be around $82000 in 2024, mainly because of a possible recession.

However, forex trader salary has a considerable range, and the most critical factor that impacts salary is initial capital size.

The minimum capital size that a forex trader should have is $ 100,000. The best annual performance is up to 20%, while many traders will not agree with these stats because of high expectations. However, in the trading industry, traders need to be reasonable and accept a 15%-50% annual return as very high.

These earnings may differ when it comes to individual forex traders. Other factors that affect the incomes of forex traders are performance, location, and more.

Please read this article to learn more about these factors and their effects on a forex trader’s income.

Average Annual Salary of Forex Traders 

The annual salary of Forex traders can fall between $32,000 and $100,000, with some of them earning as high as $120,000. 

If we look at the data provided by Indeed, Forex traders based in the United States can earn, on average, $98,000 and a commission of $25,000. The most notable salary recorded by Indeed at Citi Trader was $196,900. Another report by Payscale describes that, on average, equity traders have earned $95,800, which includes $14900 bonuses. 

Impacts of Different Factors on Forex Trader’s Income 

The data above only shows the average annual income of Forex traders. The actual payment of each Forex trader can vary vastly. This is mainly because of the factors like experience, knowledge, location, and organization that highly influence the salary of each trader.

Let us shed some light on these factors and how they can affect the salary of an individual Forex trader. 


Their organization or institution can influence a Forex trader’s salary. Private equity traders may earn higher due to base salaries and increased bonuses, as compared to public organizations, where the wages of traders are not hidden. 

An example of the above statement can be seen through the salary difference of traders at Citi (a private company ) and Goldman Sachs (a public company ). The average annual salary of traders at these companies is $151,500 and $120,500, respectively. These salaries are exclusive of any bonuses. 

Designation of the Forex Trader

It is stated that your experience helps in the advancement of your designation. And with the designation, your income also increases. Similar is the case of traders in hedge fund trading. A trader can hold a few designations based on their experience in forex trading. These designations include senior Traders, Junior Traders, Portfolio Managers, and Strategists. 

Most traders begin their careers as analysts. This is the starting phase where they assist senior and junior traders. On average, This phase lasts six years, after which the analysts become junior traders. As the experience of junior traders increases and their performance as forex traders improves, they are then promoted to Senior Traders. However, it may take longer as the skills required to become a Senior Trader come with practicing the trade longer.

The average annual income of Junior Traders is between $240,000-$3,500,000. However, Senior Traders earn approximately $12,000,000 annually. These numbers may vary according to an individual trader’s experience. Also, the senior-most portfolio manager makes the highest as it is a high-turnover industry. 

Location of Work

The trading market in some locations is highly active, but not in every part of the country. According to the activity of these locations, the income of forex traders varies. 

If we look at the United States of America, the highest paying and most active trading markets are in the states lying on the continent’s east coast. Forex traders in New York, Connecticut, and Maine earn between $110,000-$125,500. Meanwhile, traders in Nevada and Idaho make nearly $55,000, which is the lowest income recorded in the states. 

In the United Kingdom, a Forex trader may earn approximately £36,000 annually in 2022. This is just an average salary derived from the data provided by ex-employees. The wages in the UK also differ depending on the company’s location. For instance, £45,000 is the income of London-based Forex traders, while the ones in Bruntwood may earn approximately £21,000. 


A forex trader’s accomplishments and performance also determine their income. If a trader is accomplished enough to manage a portfolio worth $500 million and perform by generating favorable returns, he may earn as much as $5 million annually. However, the base salary is somewhere between $55,000 and $95,000. So, if a trader cannot perform efficiently, they will earn the base salary.

Factors Determining the Salary of an Independent Forex Trader 

Earlier, we saw how much a forex trader earns annually when working with a hedge fund or an investment bank in different locations and with distinct experiences. However, determining the income of a forex trader who works independently depends upon the following factors.

  • Initial Capital

Different investments generate different returns. The initial capital that a trader puts into trading is an investment. The capital’s capital, the more the return is, assuming all the other risk factors are neutral. For example, the trader’s goal is to earn a return of 10% on his investment. The forex trader who invested $100,000 will earn $10,000, while the one who invested $1,000 will earn only $100. 

  • Trading Cost

If a trader is working under a company, the company’s trading cost is borne, which is not the same in the case of an independent forex trader. Since it is the trader who is paying for all the expenses, it can affect the trader’s income to a great extent. Some of these costs are commissions paid on stocks and ETFs, swap agreements for holding positions in the market, and spread charges paid for the difference in buying and asking price of an asset. 

  • ROI (Return on Investment)

The trading cost is fixed, and the initial capital is the trader’s choice. However, the Return on Investment is something that fluctuates. It is due to changes in market trends, trading skills of the trader, economic news releases, and more. These are not in the traders’ control and are reflected in the trader’s income. Due to these factors, the payment of traders may vary significantly.

Some of these factors that affect a trader’s income are:

  • Frequency of Trading- A trader cannot expect higher returns by making a limited number of trades. If a trader wishes to earn a higher income and gain a promising return on investment, they should try to make more trades with higher returns, not just one or two trades a week with mediocre returns. 
  • Style of Trading- Your trading style and the risk you are willing to take determine your salary. If you wish to earn quick money and are eager to take risks, you can earn more by making short-term trades. However, if you do not want to take higher risks but wish to earn higher returns, invest in longer trades. 


Many factors determine the salary of a forex trader. The location, organization, skills, knowledge, market conditions, etc. These factors are out of a trader’s hands and cannot be changed. However, some of these factors can be modified according to the requirements. Also, if a trader is happy with a fixed income and wants to gain some experience without taking the risk, they can join an organization. If a trader is confident enough to generate good returns and is ready to take market risks, they can work independently.  

Read more about the wealthiest trader in the world in our article.




Igor has been a trader since 2007. Currently, Igor works for several prop trading companies. He is an expert in financial niche, long-term trading, and weekly technical levels. The primary field of Igor's research is the application of machine learning in algorithmic trading. Education: Computer Engineering and Ph.D. in machine learning. Igor regularly publishes trading-related videos on the Fxigor Youtube channel. To contact Igor write on:

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